Invest Jewishly

We empower investors to help combat antisemitism, support Israel, and promote the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) through shareholder advocacy

Join the Jewish Investor Network


    Jewish Institutions


    Invested Jewishly


    Investor Network


    Public Companies

    Our Advocacy Priorities

    Combat Antisemitism & Hate

    Harnessing the power of corporations to combat antisemitism & hate, supporting Jewish and minority employees, and ensuring that products and services are free from antisemitism.

    Support for Israel

    Countering BDS pressure on corporations and investors, removing anti-Israel bias from the financial services industry, and encouraging economic ties with Israel.

    Tikkun Olam

    Jewish investors have a responsibility to help repair the world. JLens collaborates with other faith-based investors to protect children online, end forced labor, and promote responsible business practices.

    JLens 500 Jewish Advocacy U.S. Index

    The JLens 500 Index provides exposure to the 500 largest U.S. public companies and reflects JLens’ rigorous Jewish values-inspired research on corporate behavior.


    Our Impact

    Watch: Investing in a Safer Gaming Future


    Largest 100 University Endowments Could Lose $33 Billion over 10 Years if Divested from Israel, Estimates JLens


    The Economic Risks of Divestment from Israel for University Endowments


    Our Research

    Projected 10 Year Loss of Value for Top 5 University Endowments

    Based on the difference between VettaFi 500 index and VettaFi Excl. BDS Top Targets index returns