This JLens report (“The Impact of Israel Divestment on Equity Portfolios: Forecasting BDS’s Financial Toll on University Endowments”) examines the potential financial impact of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) aligned investment strategies on the 100 largest university endowments. Using historical performance data from 2014-2024, JLens compared a broadly diversified equity index (VettaFi 500) to an index excluding 38 companies specifically targeted by BDS campaigns (VettaFi Excl. BDS Top Targets). The analysis revealed that the BDS-aligned index consistently underperformed, with an annualized return 1.8% lower over 10 years (11.1% vs 12.9%).
Projecting these findings to the 100 largest university endowments from 2023 to 2033, JLens forecasts an aggregate loss of $33.2 billion if these institutions were to adopt BDS-aligned investment strategies for their public equity asset allocations. These projections, based on historical performance data and current endowment allocations, underscore the potentially significant financial consequences of BDS-aligned investment decisions for higher education institutions. The report acknowledges limitations in its methodology and assumptions, but aims to provide a data-driven starting point for discussions on the economic implications of divestment strategies.