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Some universities agreed to consider divesting from Israel — but aren’t giving protesters what they wanted

Last week the Anti-Defamation League released a report, co-authored by the pro-Israel investment activist group JLens, urging universities not to divest and claiming that the top 100 endowments would suffer losses upward…
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Universities could lose $33 billion if divestment from Israel continues – report

A first-of-its-kind report comprehensively quantifies the financial implications of BDS-aligned investment strategies for universities.
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BDS Could Cost Universities Billions of Dollars, New ADL Report Says

Colleges and universities will lose tens of billions of dollars collectively from their endowments if they capitulate to demands to divest from Israel and companies that do business with it, according to…
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Meta is hugely regressing by allowing ‘Shaheed’ to return to the platform – editorial

Meta’s failure to adequately address this issue has not gone unnoticed. Advocacy groups have repeatedly called on the company to improve its efforts in tackling hate speech. ADL and JLens…
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