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Sustainable Finance Newsletter – Corporate rage at proxy advisers may be misplaced

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) advocacy group had called the resolution’s language inflammatory and hateful, given threats including the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. Ari Hoffnung, managing director of ADL…
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Anti-Israel activists tackle US tech giants

Opposing the anti-Israel was the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and its affiliate JLens, and investment consultant ISS, backed by the Amazon board, which asked the shareholders to reject the Baptist Home…
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Anti-Zionists Come for Amazon

The Anti-Defamation League and its affiliate JLens filed a memo against the BDS-inspired paranoia behind the proposal. The Baptist group going after Israel is part of a progressive Christian coalition known as…
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Campus Israel-Gaza Protests Invigorate Company Disclosure Bids

The proposal presented at RTX received exempt solicitations from JLens, a Jewish investor group opposing the bid. An exempt solicitation is an appeal to the Securities and Exchange Commission to…
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