JLens hosted the 1st Jewish Impact Investing Summit in New York City on December 5, 2017.
Jewish Impact Investing Summit – Beth Mann, JFNA
Jewish Impact Investing Summit – Julie Hammerman, JLens
Jewish Impact Investing Summit – Janice Weinman, Hadassah
“I want to thank JLens, not only for this amazing Summit,
but for their intrepid leadership in this field for the Jewish community..we hope that this will spark a movement.”
Beth Mann, JFNA
“I think that today is going to turn out to be an important and possibly historic day.”
Nigel Savage, Hazon
“This is a moment in which JLens really has given this wonderful direction: how you can not only do well, but do good, how a community can really transform the world one step at a time.”
Rabbi Yitz Greenberg
“There’s lots of talk about impact investing in the Jewish world, but I can count the number of foundations actually doing it on one hand. It’s great to see the energy and excitement. I think it’s really due to Julie’s leadership and the work of this team.”
Charlene Seidle, Leichtag Foundation
“JLens needed to happen because our Jewish values need to inform not just how we see the world but how we show up in the world and what we get done while we are here.”
Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL
“I’m thrilled to be here and to see what you’ve built, and I am so excited about working together. And there’s plenty of work to be done. …we have such an alignment of values on Catholic social teaching and Jewish tradition.”
Patricia Dinneen, Catholic Impact Investing Collaborative
“Why should the Jewish community engage? First, our community is incredibly philanthropic, but there are new opportunities to repair the world with our non-charitable assets…
Julie Hammerman, JLens
“We did what any self-respecting charity would do, we formed a committee [on impact investing] and we partnered with JLens quite early on in the process.”
Jeremy Pearl, JCF San Diego
“I wish you great success in the contributions you’re all going to make to your organizations and to the Jewish community.”
Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL